Biloxi Gambling News
First, development firm Biloxi Capital, in November 2019, announced that it was seeking permission to build a casino in Biloxi. Get the latest gambling news from Calvin Ayre. The Biloxi hotel will be built on a 266 acre property that was once the gem of the Gulf Coast. In its heyday, the Broadwater Resort included a hotel, a marina, a golf course, and later a casino. Earlier announcements about the new project indicated investors would build all of that along with a state-of-the-art musical experience. (WJTV) – Storm surge from Hurricane Sally flooded the parking deck and parking lot a the Palace Casino Resort in Biloxi. On Monday, the Mississippi Gaming Commission ordered all 12. Gambling in Biloxi, even though it wasn't legalized until the early 1990s, actually dates back to the 1940s when the Broadwater Beach Resort offered open gambling until sometime in the 1950s. Then, in the 1960s, Biloxi and the Gulf Coast became an attractive Southern vacation hub for Northerners seeking an alternative to Florida. On August 1st, dockside gambling commenced at Biloxi when two riverboat casinos from Iowa, the Diamond Lady and the Emerald Lady, opened for business as The Isle of Capri Casino.(The Biloxi-d’Iberville Press, July 22, 1992, p. 1 and The Sun Herald, July 29, 2007, p.

Dec. 11—Thirteen years after a $1 billion casino resort was proposed on the former Tivoli Hotel site in East Biloxi, the developers are asking for tax incentives to entice investors to support a $700 million hotel, casino and conference center.
On Tuesday's Biloxi Council agenda is a proposal for the city to forgive 50% of the ad valorem tax on the new construction for five years and 10% of they city's share of the annual casino license fees for five years.

Harrison County supervisors also will be asked to approve the incentives.

Also at the 1:30 p.m. meeting Tuesday, the Biloxi Council will consider a tax increment financing (TIF) bond of up to $78 million to help pay for infrastructure improvements for the proposed Broadwater Casino in west Biloxi.
The Tivoli resort would be built on 30 acres owned by Biloxi Capital — a company led by Coast developer Danny Conwill — at the site that has been vacant since Hurricane Katrina 15 years ago.
Biloxi Capital proposes that the 1,300-room hotel, 100,000-square-foot conference center and regional retail would create about 3,000 jobs.
A year ago, the company proposed building an equal-sized 1,300-room hotel and 100,000 square feet of convention space for $400 million. The price tag grew to $600 million in January and now is proposed at $700 million.
The property on U.S. 90, purchased for more than $40 million in 2005 or 2006, is not an approved casino site.
In November 2019, Biloxi Capital advertised its intent to ask for site approval.
On Thursday, the state Supreme Court upheld the rulings from the Mississippi Gaming Commission and Harrison County court that RW Casino at U.S. 90 and Veteran's Avenue in Biloxi is not a legal site.
Biloxi Gambling News
That site approval from the Gaming Commission is key to the development at the Tivoli site, said Biloxi Mayor Andrew 'FoFo' Gilich.
The casino project never went to the commission for site approval when it originally was proposed in 2007.

Biloxi Gambling News
In June, the Biloxi Council approved a Mississippi tourism tax rebate for the proposed $1.2 billion Broadwater Casino.
Dakia Global U-Ventures is partnering with Universal Music Group, the largest music company in the world, to build UMUSIC resorts in Biloxi, Atlanta and Orlando. The developer expect the venture to create 2,557 full-time and part-time jobs.
Biloxi Casino News
Also proposed in East Biloxi, members of the rock band KISS are partnering to develop a new Rock & Brews casino. The $200 million casino would have a 300-room hotel, a fine dining restaurant, a 40,000-square-foot or larger casino and a parking garage, along with a unique amenity the Gaming Commission requires to grow the market.