Baby Gambling Pool

Start a Baby Guessing Game


The baby’s arrival, of course, is the real priceless moment. Baby Bookie also lets people guess the baby’s gender, height and weight, giving averages for the typical newborn. When the baby finally does arrive, everyone who signs up for the pool gets an announcement. is not a gambling website. We offer a fun gamified crowdfunding option to support expecting families with the costs of bringing a new family member into this world. If a pool admin decides to reward winning guesses it is the sole responsibility of the pool admin to do so. HOW OUR BABY GUESSING GAME WORKS.

  • Printable calendar
  • Ability to upload photos
  • Simple scoring system
  • Standard or metric units of measurements
  • Set up pools for twins or triplets!
  • 'Log in with Facebook' integration
  • Modern, mobile-friendly design
  • It’s FREE, it’s FUN, it’s EASY!
  • Involve friends, family, coworkers, etc. in the new baby excitement
  • No registration required to make guesses
  • Invite via social media and/or email
  • Pick & choose categories to guess
  • And much more...

How it works

Set up a Baby Guessing Game (aka Baby Pool) in minutes, choosing up to eight guessable categories!

Invite friends & family to add their hunches about the baby via Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or good old email.

Once baby arrives, enter the actual info. The scores will calculate automatically and a winner will be declared!

Guessable Categories

Date of Birth

Time of Birth

First Letter of Baby's Name

Baby's Weight

Baby's Length

Baby's Eye Color


Baby Hunch was a fun way to get our family and friends involved in the birth of our baby. The day he was born, everyone was wondering who 'won'! It was also a great way to get the stats of our son out to everyone easily.'

BabyHunch Stats

pools created
hunches added
babies born
girls born
boys born
King Of Prussia 12/18
Los Angeles 12/17
L'ange Gardien 12/17
Port Moody 12/16
Kalamazoo 12/16
Vancouver, BC 12/16
Prince Albert 12/16
Ottawa 12/16
Cheyenne 12/16
Hampton, NJ 12/16

Most Popular Baby Names


(over the past 12 months)


2. Charlotte
4. Evelyn
6. Isla
8. Amelia
10. Nora


2. Benjamin

Baby Gambling Pool Template

4. Owen
6. Henry
8. James
10. Liam

Watch our quick video

Because it's always fun to bring a little gambling into the mix, we thought it would be fun to start a baby due date betting pool. It started at the baby shower and we thought we would open it up to include whoever else might care to make a wager. So come and take a guess. Will she be early? Will she be late? Or will Michelle get the best birthday present ever and deliver right on time...
1. $5.00 per guess, feel free to enter multiple times.
2. Guess the day, hour and minute that you think Baby Scotti will be born (Hawaii Standard Time :)
3. Closest guess to the minute is the WINNER! Baby Gambling Pool
4. In the event of a tie, the winner is the person who chose the closest after the exact time of birth.
5. Half of the final pool goes to the winner, the other half goes to Baby Scotti's college fund.
6. All bets must be placed no later then March 25th.

Baby Gambling Pool


Baby Gambling Pools

Donate through Paypal using the button at the bottom of this post. $5.00 donation per entry. When you reach the page asking you to review your donation, click on the line in blue that says: Enter name, date and time of guess here. Enter the date and exact time, including AM or PM of your guess in this box. *Calender will not auto update. Just be sure to enter the date and time on the paypal form and we will add it to the calendar asap.
Check the calendar before making your guess to make sure it's not a time and day that has already been claimed. Guessing is first come first serve. If you duplicate someone else's guess we will contact you to choose a new time.
(Click on the forward arrow next to March 2011 to see April)
We are at 37 weeks so it could really be any time between now and mid-April!